Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Glamour Magazine Audience

The media text I've analysed is called 'Glamour' it is a magazine. I think that Glamour's target audience is women in there late 20's up to women in their late 40's.

The outside of the magazine is aimed at women from all types of economic class because women from lots of different backgrounds and classes like to look good so they'd all want 'The Sexy Stomach Plan'

Many of the women would be interested in fashion the 'The £50 Jacket you'll wear forever' and 'The £25 Skirt that goes with everything' is appealing to the women on a lower wage whereas many of the clothes and adverts that are actually in the magazine are aimed at women with a higher wage.

We also know its also aimed at women with a low budget because there is a callout saying 'glossy mag only £2 weekly price' this is relatively cheap for a magazine.

The magazine is mostly written in a sans-serif font to appeal to everyone but some of the adverts are written in serif font this seems to me that these adverts are aimed at the women with a lot of spare cash suggesting that if they bought the product the advert is promoting then they would be elegant too.

Denote and Conote


Denote- things which are literally represented eg. a man wearing a police uniform suggests he's a police man.

Conote- things which are symbolically represented eg. a woman wearing red suggests that she is dangerous or powerful.

Sunday, 11 September 2011


I've been editing some photos with photoshop:



Increased contrast.


Increased the contrast

Neon Fish:


Glowing Edges effect

Brightness increased

Smoothness increased

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Magazine Lesson 7/09/11

Code- A system of signs - verbal, aural or visual - used to convey meaning

Convention- A generally accepted custom or an established rule

This is the typical conventional layout of a magazine it is a useful template I found on the internet.

In lesson we analysed two  magazines; one called "BELLA" and one called "ELLE" both target audience were women, but the main difference between the women that both the magazine would be there socio-economic group. BELLA is aimed at socio-economic group C1 or below and ELLE is a glossy magazine aimed at the socio-economic group C1 or above.

The code of a magazine "ELLE" is known as a glossy magazine which is aimed at rich women; the the magazine "BELLA" is a typical chatty gossip magazine with true life stories and used promotional offers and a competitive price tag to sell where as ELLE is aimed at women with spare cash and and interest in fashion and it doesn't use a competitive price to sell the magazine.