Tuesday 3 January 2012

Base of Contents

This is a mock up of what my contents page will look like I have taken inspiration from Q magazines contents page.

This is the contents page which gave me inspiration.

I like it because it has a simple but sophisticated layout.

I plan to also have a advertisment forsubscription of he magazine, this is seen a lot in music magazines.

I like this magazine contents as it is very striking and stands out, this is because of the colours.

All though I like this magazine it is clear that it is a student magazine and this is not what I am looking for, I want my magazine to look of a professional standard.

In this magazine I like how the picture relate to the text on the left, I also like how they have split it into sections like regular and exclusive.

I like this magazine because it has interesting graphics at the sides of the page and also I like how the stories are separated into sub headings like; cover story,features, people, life style ect.

A negative about this contents page is that it looks like a students also apart from the interesting swirls at the side there isn't much colour making it look a little dull.

The last one is my favortie it is very eye catching the main reason is because it looks proffesional also it has some great graphics. It also looks very modern.

I also like the very obvious and dominant colour scheme, I play to use a colour scheme through out my magazine.

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