Wednesday 7 March 2012

Little Boots Article, Mix Mag...

Analysing a Music Magazine Article...

  • One main image, the artist is looking at the camera giving a direct address to the audience this draws the audience in and gives a personal feel.
  • It is not the typical image as it is not a studio shot this makes it stand out and look different.
  • The photo is taken in an everyday place but her dress is very flashy and elegant, showing juxtaposition perhaps suggesting that even the most normal people can become stars!
  • The image has been editted and made high contrast making it stand out.
  • Dress looks expencive suggesting VIP / Celebrity.
  • Bold and large fonts making the heading stand out from the article writting.
  • Sans-serif font - this suggests young, modern, young and hip artist also hinting at the type of audience.
  • Besides the image the headline is the biggest thing on the page suggesting importance.
  • Bold sans-serif font makes it stand out but not as much as the headline because it isn't used to capture attention.
  • Gives you a quick insight into the article.
  • Use of quotes gives a more personal feel / interatction with the audience.
  • Un chatty tone makes you  feel informed
  • Dominat informative tone.
  • Not very personal the subheadings mislead you.
  • Straight to the point.
Language Feature...
  • Quotes
  • Rhetorical Questions
  • Written in first person
Page Layout...
  • Writing is in a coloum
  • Coloum and headlines are to the right.
  • Quote on the image
  • Image takes up most of the page.
  • Uses callouts to grab attention
  • Hazard tape along the top of the magazine suggesting danger.
  • Advertising tour, Mismag tour - and example of a brand extention.

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