Wednesday 30 January 2013

First Draft of Film Poster...

In this film poster I emulate a lot of different features that I had seen on my film poster research. However, it has not turned out as I would have hoped due to the split screen of black and white which makes it look like a circus.

I have decided to change my idea so that the whole human subject is the same colour and not split. However, I have decided to continue to use black and white as it conveys the meaning and agendas that are seen in the film.

In addition in the film I plan to convert parts into black and white as it makes it seem important and I believe this would be professional to continue through out my ancillary tasks especially my film poster as it gives a sense of house style that I have seen in most successful media products.

Even though I plan not to use this as a film poster I really like the face that the main image only has the basic outline of a boy meaning that this film or person is generic and could apply to anyone.

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