Sunday, 31 March 2013

Final Progress On My Film Poster..

Below are the final amendments on my film poster; the next blog poster will be of my final film poster.

The image is a huge improvement on my previous one as it is beginning to look much more cartoon like - the way I wanted it, it contrasts with the background on the black and the white. In my next progression I will alter the font that I have used as the current one is not very professional because it is very basic.

I want my new font to look more professional but I want it to communicate the same ideologies and agendas about my short film.

In this draft I have altered the font and it makes it look much more professional. I have also started adding in other conventions of film posters in this draft I have inserted the release date of the film I have put the release date in the same font and close to the same size as my font because it is just as important because the audience would need to know when they can watch it.

In the draft below I have included the production details of my film which are typically included in a film poster. I researched into what is include in the small print at the bottom of most film posters and I have included this in mine. I have also included the age certificate for my film - this relates to my target audience as it does not exclude their age group.

The poster below shows a vast improvement on the previous draft, I have altered the font of my production details to make it look more typical of a film poster. I have continued to use this font throughout the rest of my film poster (excluding the title and release date) as a kind of house style. I have included typical conventions such as who directed and a stars in the film above the title as a USP, copyright information and the film website.

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