Monday, 8 April 2013

Film Article Progress...

Above is the progression of my film article; I emulated the layout of Total Film and used it as the magazine that it would be included it. I used Total Films house style by using the typical colours (red, white and black) and  the same fonts. I feel in terms of visuals I haven't developed it much as emulated Total Films review pages exactly however in my third draft I inserted a star rating and 'out now' date and in my final draft I included a larger letter for the first word backed on red as this is something I recognised from a number of Total Film pages.

In most of the review pages I have looked at they include an image which is typically a still from the film - therefore I stuck to this convention and included it in my work too. From my image it is not clear what the film is about and what sort of tone and ideologies it communicates - this is the main criticism of my review page and I plan to change this in my final draft so my audience can relate to it more and get more information about the film but just looking at it.

I have included a basic information section in my review page as this is a typical convention of a review page. Overall I believe that my final draft it a good quality for a review page and now all I need to do it fine tune it for my final review page.

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