Wednesday 1 February 2012

Double Page Spread Research

Image: I like how the image is very casual and laid back this suggests the theme of the article and how it is going to be written, I like how the picture is using direct address this draws the audience in and makes it feel more personal. It is also quite simple but it still gives a bold statement.I also lie that there is a polirod photo with in the article, this gives a with in the action moment, how it really happens.
Font/Size: I like how the first letter of the article is bigger than the rest, I plan to include this in my own article. I also like how there is a quote on the photograph, giving you a snap shot into the article.

In this magazine I like how the image is using direct address but I also like how it has been edited, and isn't in normal colours, I also like how the artists name is written in the top corner. My favorite bit of the whole double page spread is the L on the background of the writting.

I like the simplicity of this article how the main colours are red, white, blue and gray, this makes the article look very proffesional and sophisticated, this is how I want my article to look and how I want it to feel.

I don't really like this final double page spread I like this is because a lot of the writing is in red, but I do like how there is a magazine footer telling you what page, what magazine it is and what type of article you are looking at. This is what I plan to use in my magazine.
I also don't like how the page look wonky, I think this makes it look less proffesional.

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