Thursday 9 February 2012

Final Contents Page

This is my final contents page, I have included a photo of my magazine front cover to make it realistic and seem like you can subscribe to ID as this is features a lot of magazines have.

For my Contents title I have written it in Serif font so it makes the audience feel of a high status and elegant also I have put behind it the masthead for ID but to do this and have both still visable it change the opacity of the ID.

To edit my image I cut out the background,blurred the edges and changed the brightness and contrast, I also put on a dark blue photo filter making the t-shirt and glasses stand out with a blue tint which altogether made my photograph stand out more.

I have changed the angle of my writing and header to make it look younger and more modern. If I hadn't moved the font around then it would look a lot like a poster, this isn't what I wanted.

I have put the sub headings in blue because that it the colour that represents ID magazine.

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