Sunday 3 March 2013

Edit Two

Above is the second edit of our film, unfortunately the first edit won't be uploaded as there was formatting problems.

There are some obvious and glaring issues in the video, however, overall it is an improvement on the first edit. In this edit I converted the possible thoughts of Dudley into black and white so the fact that the points where he is getting bullied are just thoughts is much more obvious and easier for the audience to understand. Below I list my criticisms and improvements that need to be made to this edit:

  • Pan in bedroom is too quite
  • Is the opening sequence to short?
  • Title sequence is too long in comparison with opening sequence - perhaps overlay title on action?
  • Issue with how actor is holding books at 0:30
  • Hit in hallway is not clear
  • Sound in hallway scene changes to much
  • The volume alters to much throughout
  • Changes between bully scenes need to make it more clear that there is a change is scene need a way to make the change clearer
  • Need a better transition between last bully scene and the 'transformation' AND needs different music than previous
  • Hold end shot for longer
  • Could the film use a shot of people walking around the school - panning?
  • Insert end credits

Main changes needed:
  • Sort out diegetic sound
  • Find music to include
  • Sharpen up cut lengths - longer or shorter
  • Include / add credits

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