From the Arctic Monkeys edition I have taken the idea of using a callout to make the writing stand out, also I have emulated the same message of this magazine through my model, using a neutral expression with direct address making the audiences' attention to be grabbed by the magazine but they have to read on to find out whats happening and keeping them interested.
From this magazine I took the idea of how the writing was laid out on the right, it looks like a poster it also looks fresh and smart which is what would appeal to my audience.
This maagzine caught my eye because of how the main story and sub heading was laid out, I plan to emulate this in my magazine.
What interested me in this front cover was how the main cover line it's written, the way it's written in a handwriting style is unique it also makes it personal and makes the audience feel involved this is how I wanted my audience to feel so I emulated it.

The final front cover gave me the idea to have my image in black and white, this has made it more sophisticated also this doesn't really happen very much in magazines so therefore by having my magazine front cover like this would attract attention which is one of the aims when trying to sell a magazine.
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