I was out shopping yesturday and I was looking at the magazine rack and this magazine jumped out a caught my eye:

The main reason this magazine caught my eye was because of the masthead because is looks very sparkly and is made out of sequines the reason this caught my eye is because it is so different to any other magazine I have seen; I like how the producer has put in light reflections on the title to make it look like the sun is reflecting on the masthead also they have done this on one of the callouts as well I plan to encorporate this into my magazine to make it really stand out and to look as intresting as this magazine.
I also like how some of the title is behind her head and how some of it isn't I also haven't seen this in a magazine before and I plan to see how it would look on mine. Look also have a very interesting colour scheme, it uses a lot of colours and they are very contrasting, also by the use of orange, yellow and pink a lot of attention is drawen to the magazine because the colours clash.
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