Monday 21 November 2011

Deciding My Masthead

Today I went onto and picked out the most suitable fonts for my magazines. I have now used photoshop to slightly edit a photo (rubbing out the background, blurring the edges to make it look natural and used the spot corrector tool to get rid of any imperfections). This image is nowhere near the standard which I will even put on by drafts, let alone my final piece, but it is a good example to show how all the separate mastheads look agains a background and an image. Here are all the mastheads I have selected:

The inspiration for the top 4 rows of mastheads came from magazine I had looked at in my school magazine research but also a lot of the ideas of having a masthead all the way across came from the KERRANG! magazine, this is because it is already a magazine and it is quite successful.

The ID mastheads ideas came from emulation Q and NME, although NME doesn't have a background beneath the masthead it is located to the left of the magazine which is the same as my mock ups, I will mostly likely use the ID masthead as this style is used by both NME and Q which are both very famous, well established, successful magazines and they have a similar target audience to me. In addition the ID mastheads would appeal more to my target audience because they look more youthful, modern and sophisticated than the first 4 rows.

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