Wednesday 2 November 2011

Magazine Code and Conventions:

Many features are common to find in all magazines. Most magazines have:

  • an advice column.
  • a contents page.
  • a letter page.
  • some form of make-over article.
  • competitions.
  • an 'In the next issue page.
They also have general merchandising and/or review sections. Advertising is a very important source of finance for all magazines. Review sections are a subtle way of advertising, this is where a company give the magazine its product free in exchange for them to review it in the magazine.

Magazine front covers almost always have strong generic elements.

  • Price, barcode and issue number/date.
  • A photograph directly related to the feature article.
  • A recognisable masthead.
  • Various plugs and puffs on the front cover to entice the audience to buy the magazine.
  • A link between the colours used and the month that the magazine is published as well as colour links between images and texts.
Magazines front covers are carefully designed to attract the target audience and to be easily identifiable on the newsagents shelves.

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