Monday 28 November 2011

Front Cover which I have made:

Here are several music front covers I have already made, I am now in the process of picking the one which will be the best.

I have decided that my title will be iD and will be on a blue background this is because this is what I have seen on most of the music magazine so this means it is quite successful also the magazine I have chosen to emulate is the Q magazine because I would make it for the same type of audience with the same intrests and the same social/ecnomic group.

In this magazine I have put the title to the right to see what it would look like, I haven't seen a magazine do this before and I wanted to see if it was effective or if it wouldn't work at all; I decided that I liked having the title to the side but it looked better when it was on the left. I have put in a photograph which lets you know straight away that it is a music magazine because it is showing a boy looking at some guitars which drum sticks in his hand this gives off a very band feel which I like but I have also editted it o make the guitars stand out even more, this is because they are my main focus because my model is not looking at the audience, he is not making a direct focus and drawing in the attention. If I were to use this as my front image the model would probably be and upcoming artist because there isn't much attention paid to him.

This is another attempt of my magazine, I have cut out the background and burred the edges a little so they aren't as sharp, I have also put him on a white background giving the feel of a studio shot this suggets that the artist on the front is a big star and quite famous. Personally I prefer the studio shot looks because they look more high quality/profile and more sophisticated than one with a background. I also like that the model is looking on this magazine, it gives a more personal feel and as it is a direct address it attracts your attention very quickly and makes you feel like the magazine was made and is personal to you making you buy it.

I placed the title of this magazine to the left this is what made me decide that I prefered the title to the left. also I have been changing the font to see which one look the best on a magazine front cover.
 In this magazine I played with the camera shots and angles. By having my model in a close up shot it makes the magazine really stand out also it make it quite intimate. I have also put a filter on the magazine called film grain this makes the photography grainy and old looking, it also gives quite a retro effect. It makes the magazine look quite different and unique (something my audience aspires to be like).

In this magazine I have also been playing around with the typography and the typically layout, I have started to add in coverlines and taglines, by having different fonts for each line makes it stand out and doesn't make it look bland this is something I learnt from creating my school magazine, that you need the font and typography to be different to make it look proffesional. I have also added in a barcode, date, price, website a issue number this is to make it look like a typical magazine.

This is my final idea for my title this is the font I have chosen to use.

This image is quite effective as it is how I imagine my audience would dress sometimes also by my model wearing a suit it makes the magazine have a proffesional, sophisticated, smart feel this is good because this is how my audience would act.

Again I have use a block colour background, but this time I have changed the colour, I would do this with every issue depening on which type of band it was and what type of denotations they had for example is Kasabian was on the front cover of my magazine then it would probably a dark, greyish background (because of their music genre).

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