Thursday 24 November 2011

Music Magazine Project Planning

1) Define: 

Audience - in media the audience are the consumers of the products that the institutions make for example the people who watch Eastenders are the audience of Eastenders.

Institution - an institution is a company or brand which makes the product that the audience reads/views.

Representation - the ways in which groups are presented in the media, this is often through stereotypes and it can affect our views on race, gender, sexuality, age and ability.

Media Language - are media conventions, formats, symbols and narrative structures which cue the audience to meaning and helps you figure out the connotations.

2) I have chosen to do the print task as I have previously made many films, also I made a music video for Queen's 'Don't Stop Me Now' for my GCSE coursework so I decided to do the print task to try something new, also I plan to take A2 Media next year and I plan to do film next year.

3) To complete this coursework successfully you need to have technical skills such as advanced use of photoshop, good photography/camera skills and you also need to be organised, creative, hard working and manage your time wisely.

4) Magazines intrest me because they entertain you and you can escape from reality (Blumler and Katz 1974 Uses and Gratifications Theory) also researching magazines you have to be very creative to be remotely successful in making a magazine. You need to do a lot of research into professional magazines to see what to do and what not to do so that your magazine sells.

5) My favourite music genre is alternative/indie, I like bands like the Arctic Monkeys and The Killers, but I also quite like older music (60's, 70's and 80's) I thing this is because I have been subjected to it a lot as I have been growing up.

6) The two main magazines I am researching are Q and NME this is because they have a similar music genre as me; a similar target audience and they are both very successful magazines.

7) I am planning to have quite a wide genre magazine like Q and NME for example I would use quite a famous, well established artist for my front cover (star appeal); if the magazine was to go into production people like Rihanna would appear on the front cover to attract a wider audience but my magazine would also report on new bands and also bands which weren't in the charts.

8) My intended audience are mainly males between the age of 19-27; average reader would be 23. They would be really interested in music and would have a high disposable income, as my magazine is high quality and a typical glossy magazine.

9) The main purpose of my magazine is to inform my reader on what is happenning in the music world and to keep them up to date with what the lastest music trend are, who topped the charts this month and what they're idols are doing, but it would also be a way to pass the time, to entertain my target audience.

10) All the music titles I have came up with are:
  • YM/UM - Your Music
  • Identify/iD
  • MFY/M4U/MFU - Music For You
  • IRM - Indie Rock Music
  • Bang
  • Loud
  • Noise
  • Music
  • Wired

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