Monday 14 November 2011

Names for my Magazine

I've started thinking about what I would like to call my magazine. These are some of my ideas:

  • YM/UM - Your Music
  • MFY/M4U/MFU - Music For You
  • IRM - Indie Rock Music
  • BANG
  • LOUD

All of these titles sound like something my target audience and target genre would buy and read this is why I think that they are effective.

The possible mastheads like BANG and CRASH are onomatopoeias and if they are word which sound like they are spelt it could give the connotation that the magazine is going to do what it says on the cover an nothing less.

My inspiration for the possible mastheads like YM, ID and IRM came from the NME and Q magazines, I did this because I realised that they are very successful magazines and if I was to emulate either of them then my magazine would be quite successful too.

My favorite possible masthead is ID / IDENTIFY I liked this not only because it sounds good but because it is often what an audience will buy a product for, to belong to a type of group, to be identified by their music taste and thus the music magazine they by. This is tied in with the theories of: blumler and katz 1974 uses and gratifications theory and maslow hierarchy of needs pyramid.

On another blog I will be showing my test fonts of what my masthead is going to look like, and chose one that could be successful.

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