Friday 11 November 2011

NME Lily Allen Front Cover

The target audience of this magazine is typically young people between the ages of late teens to early 20s.
The main image of this magazine suggests that the magazine is very direct because Lily Allen is looking straight at the camera (audience) and also Lily Allen is looking very rebellious which suggests that the audience may be like that and that they would admire people who were being rebellious. It is a high angle shot which is typically used to make people look small and less important. So by having her looking up and the audience looking down on her it makes the audience feel very important and feel as if people look up and admire the audience making them feel good.
Some of the fonts for example LILY ALLEN TAKES ON THE WORLD is in a font which looks very newspaper like which suggests that the magazine holds a lot of information on the music subject and that it is worth the money you are spending. NME follows the same colour and font scheme ever time it is made the main colour used is red the connotations of red is dangerous (which would connect to the rebellious audience) but also another  connotation is passion which is how you would feel about the music if you were buying the magazine.
The font of NME is very bold with outlines around them, this is to grab your attention when you are looking on the magazine so it stands out, also it gives the statement of the audience being bold and confident so it hints at the audiences and the artist who feature in the magazines’’ personality.

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