Tuesday 16 October 2012

Analysis of Short Films...

This is probably my most favourite short film of all time, my favourite thing about it is the fact that it uses a voice over this enabled the film to use a montage of other images to create the story, I find this vey successful and artistic. In addition it quickly enables the audience to get up to speed with the characters situation.  At 1.23 we see Sonny getting on a train I like that he is on a journey as the we know that we will find out something vital at the end of the video. At 4.20 I also like how the whole story that the audience has learnt is said in reverse, this I part of the twist however the other part of the twist is the fact that she is dead, all along we think that they broke up but in fact they didn’t. This shocks the audience and keeps them on the edge of their seat. The only criticism I have of the film is that after the twist is revealed the film continues and it losses its effect and WOW, hook factor.
When I create my short film I want to use hook factor and a twist at the end of my film. I would also like to use a voice over as I like the style of them.

Heavenly Appeals is a good short film, this is because it has a good storyline, a good twist but mainly because it is concise, you don’t get the opportunity to be bored at the film. I like how the film has morals and a district message although this film is clearly aimed at a target audience of children it could appeal to anyone. I also like the fact that it is an animation, also it is very high quality. The music also reminds me of a game, this video shows how important music is to a story, it makes it more interesting, normally I dislike films with no dialogue or voice over but in this case it really works.
I would like music to play a big part in our scripts to set the mood etc. I do like the animation but I don’t thick I would be able to be as successful with animation as I would live action therefore I will be using live action.

Love Sick is an example of a film created mainly on a twist; however it doesn’t just end on the twist but unlike ‘Dear Claire; From Sonny’ it is actually effective as the action is on a loop. I enjoyed this twist the most because it was repeated. In addition it challenged the conventions or a typical romance – the hero didn’t get the girl. This is what makes the film so unexpected and in return so entertaining.
I plan for my twist to have this much of a shock and also to be shot in the same way and style of this.

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