Tuesday 18 October 2011

My Progression with my Magazine Front Cover

This is the original image I used for my magazine front cover:
What I did to edit this:
Rubbed out the background
Upped the contrast
Slightly changed the brightness (increased)
Blurred the outside of the girls
Used the morph and spot tool to remove any flaws from their skin (faces and arms)

This is a picture of my main image after I had edited it (cropped, blurred, removed some flaws)

This is an image of my background:
I edited this picture by:
cropping it
I increased the contrast/brightness

I chose to use this background because I didn't what to have a studio feel to my magazine, because I want my audience to be able to relate to the magazine and recognise themselves in it (Katz and Bloomers Uses and Gratifications Theory) so by using a photograph of the school grounds I feel as if I have met this goal.

This is my first draft of my magazine:

I didn't like this because nothing on the magazine really stood out also none of the fonts were different so the magazine looked very borning. In addition the colour scheme I selected wasn't interesting and would make you want to read it of even attract your attention.

This is my second draft of my school magazine:

The difference between this and my first draft is that I changed the colour of my title, which did make my magazine stand out more but it still wasn't the image I had in my head.

This is my final draft magazine:

I chose not to have this as my final magazine front covers because some of the puffs and coverlines did not stand out like it wanted them too.

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