Tuesday 11 October 2011

Terminology I've Learnt So Far...

Media Text - any form of media product from TV to film to magazines to websites.

Media Language - subject specific language that is used inside the media industry and by those who study (eg. puff, masthead, close up, establishing shot and shot reverse shot).

Codes - a system of signs - verbal, aural or visual (used to convey meaning).

Convention - a genrally accepted custom or established rule (eg. a close up is used to show emotion on a characters face).

Media Institutions - the organisation/group responsible for making the media text (eg. BBC - film & TV and News International - newspapers).

Denote - things which are literally represent in a text (eg. someone wearing football boots is playing football).

Conote - things which are symbolically represented in a text (eg. a women wearing red is dangerous).

Cinematography - the shooting of a moving image (the way its shot).

Verisimilitude - the construction in a text of a plausible, believable world.

The Score - music specifically created to go on a programme/film.

The Soundtrack - music which already exists and is chose to be put in a programme/film.

Diegetic Sound - sound within the action (eg. a kettle boiling).

Non-diegetic Sound - sound edited in (eg. a voice over or a song).

Synchronous Sound - sound recorded in real time and there for matches the action exactly.

Incidental Sound - music which accompanies or is part of a scene, chosen to create atmosphere/emotion.

Mis en Scene - everything contained within the shot (eg. props, costume and setting).

Ideology - ideas behind a media text

Invisible/Continuity Editing - editing which is often used in TV dramas such as Eastender to convay realism.

Aberrant Decoding - a message the audience takes out of a text that goes against the producers intentions.

Cut - change from one shot to another


Close ups - CU
Medium Shot - MS
Long Shot - LS
Extreme Long Shot - ELS
Extreme Close Up - ECU
Establishing Shot - ES
Point of View Shot - POV
Shot Reverse Shot - SRS
Two Shot/Three Shot/Crowd Shot
High Angle - HA
Low Angle - LA

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